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PET HAPPENINGS - September 2022

When it’s OK to Share with Fido
Provided by Jessica Turquette, owner of Moab BARKery

Most dog owners know that there are certain foods that are OK for humans, but bad for dogs. Some foods we eat are even deadly to dogs like Xylitol sweeteners and chocolate. What most humans hear as a rule of thumb is no table scraps. They get this advice mostly from Veterinarians, and honestly your vet is always going to err on the cautious side, it’s their job to keep your dog safe and healthy. I think most vets would rather you be safe than sorry; they do see a lot of pets gets very sick from eating something bad. That advice of no table scraps is also good if you eat lots of dairy, processed foods and or salty food but there is a host of foods that we eat that are actually very beneficial to you dog with little to no risk for stomach issues in small quantities. Here is a list of what you can safely feed your dog to enrich their diets, and hopefully you will eat more these whole nutritious foods as well!

— Apples contain powerful antioxidants and vitamin C. Serve apple slices to your pet, but never the core or seeds.

Asparagus — Asparagus is an excellent source of vitamin K, A, B1, B2, C and E, along with the folate, iron, copper, fiber, manganese and potassium, but above all, microbiome-building prebiotic fiber!

Blueberries — Fresh or frozen, blueberries are loaded with phytochemicals, and their deep blue hue is the result of anthocyanidins, which are powerful antioxidants. Blueberries are also a good source of healthy fiber, manganese, and vitamins C and E.
Blueberries are available all year and make great training treats for dogs. A good rule of thumb is 2-4 blueberries as treats for every 10 pounds of dog a day. Replacing one of the processed treats you feed each day with fresh or frozen blueberries is a great way to increase antioxidants in your pet’s diet.

— Broccoli supports detoxification processes in your pet’s body; contains healthy fiber to aid digestion; is rich in beneficial nutrients like potassium, calcium, protein and vitamin C; has anti-inflammatory properties; supports eye health; helps repair skin damage; and supports heart health.

I always prefer local organic produce, however, conventionally grown broccoli is one of the cleanest (most pesticide-free) foods you can buy, so eat up! Your pet may prefer broccoli steamed, although many dogs eat florets fresh without a problem. Chopped broccoli stems make great detox treats, too.

— Carrots are low in calories and high in fiber, phytonutrients and vitamins. Many dogs enjoy snacking on a fresh crunchy carrot, and some will even eat the green tops. One mini carrot can be sliced into thin rings yielding 4-6 training treats

— This crunchy veggie offers pets a low-calorie way to stay hydrated, as they’re mostly water. Cucumbers also contain cucurbitacin, which has anticancer, anti-atherosclerotic and antidiabetic potential. Skin on, cut into thin rings makes a great cookie replacement.

Kefir — Plain organic kefir is high in calcium and protein, but also provides more beneficial “good” gut bacteria than yogurt. Kefir is easy to make at home and makes an excellent topper for any pet food or served off a lick mat. Some Kefir is dairy derived, and some are plant based like coconut. If you can find plant based that’s best, but even the dairy kefir is better than plain yogurt. Small amounts are best, think teaspoons instead of tablespoons for dosing.

Fermented vegetables (kimchi) — Fermented foods are potent detoxifiers and contain very high levels of probiotics and vitamin. Beneficial gut bacteria provided by probiotics break down and eliminate heavy metals and other toxins from the body and perform a number of other important functions.

Adding 1-3 teaspoons of fermented veggies to your pet’s food each day (depending on body weight) is a great way to offer food-based probiotics and natural nutrients. Find out more about this powerhouse addition to your pet’s diet. Make sure any formulas are not spicy or have salt added for flavor. That’s too much!

Green beans — Fresh, locally grown green beans are a source of vitamins A, C, and K. They also provide calcium, copper, fiber, folic acid, iron, niacin, manganese, potassium, riboflavin, and thiamin, as well as beta carotene. One chopped green bean yields 3-4 bite sized training treats, a perfect low-calorie reward for overweight dogs.

Kale — This dark green cruciferous vegetable is loaded with vitamins (especially vitamins K, A and C), iron, and antioxidants. It helps with liver detoxification and also has anti-inflammatory properties. Add 1-3 tablespoons of minced or chopped kale (raw or steamed) to your pet’s food, depending on body weight, as a great source of fiber, nutrients, and whole food antioxidants.

Pineapple — A few chunks of pineapple is a great sweet treat for dogs, as long as the prickly outside peel and crown are removed first. The tropical fruit is full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. It also contains bromelain, an enzyme that makes it easier for dogs to absorb proteins.

Remember when adding these amazing fresh superfoods to go slow, many dogs that eat a very consistent diets with little to no variety need to be introduced gradually to get the best results. The ideal way to make an addition to your diet is no more than 10% of the meal as additions or no more than ½ the daily recommended amount. Once your dog gets used to the superfood additions, you can add the recommended amount, but better safe than gassy to start.
My dogs truly like Kimchi, we found a formula that has turmeric added for additional anti-inflammatory benefits with no salt and as 14 pound dachshunds they get 1 tablespoon each twice a week. We also do coconut kefir, broccoli stems, carrots and frozen blueberries regularly. We make a dog batch of the fruits and vegetables (finely chopped or shredded), make a container that stays in the fridge all week and we spoon out a small portion as a topper twice daily along with their kimchi or kefir as a topping.

A great way to incorporate these ingredients is to meal plan for yourself as well, I find that if I try and eat as many of these items for myself, it’s easy to make a small batch for the dogs. That way I’m not specifically shopping for them, and I know I am eating healthy along with them. Live better with your pets from the Moab BARKery!

Dog-Friendly Walks/Hikes
in the Moab Area

Corona Arch - Easy/Moderate. 1.3 Miles one way. Trailhead is 25 minute drive from Moab.
North on US-191 to Potash Road (Utah 279).

Mill Creek Pathway - Easy. 1.1 Miles. Little to no driving. Starts at the intersection of 100 South and 100 West,
a block off of Main Street.

Portal Overlook - Hard. 2.0 Miles one way. Trailhead is 20 minute drive from Moab.
North on US-191 to Potash Road (Utah 279).

Grandstaff Canyon - Moderate. 2.0 Miles one way. Trailhead is 10-minute drive from Moab.
North on US-191 to the River Road (Utah 128)

Visit MoabBARKery website

Dog Friendly Walks/Hikes in the Moab Area
Trail or Walk Difficulty Length
(one way)
Proximity to Downtown
MillCreek Pathway
easy 1.1 miles Little to no driving
Starts at 100 S & 100 W
Portal Overlook
(trailhead @ Jaycee Park)
Hard 2.0 miles 25 min drive N on US-191 to W on Utah 279 (4.2 miles)
Moab Rim Hard 3.0 miles
(to Hidden Valley trail)
8 minute drive 2.6 miles down Kane Creek Blvd from US-191
Negro Bill Canyon
(aka William Grandstaff Canyon)
Moderate 2.0 miles 10 minute drive N on US-191 to
W on Utah 128, 3 miles
Hunter Canyon Easy 2.0 miles 25 minute drive (mild off-road)
7.5 miles down Kane Creek Blvd from US-191
Corona Arch Trail Easy/Moderate 1.5 miles 25 minute drive N on US-191 to
W Utah 279 (10 miles)
Hidden Valley
(trailhead at end of Angel Rock Rd)
Hard 2.0 miles 10 minute drive S on US-191
3 miles to Angel Rock Rd
Fisher Towers
(trailhead 2.2 miles off Utah 128)
Moderate 2.2 miles 35 minute drive N on US-191 to Utah 128, then 21 miles

Tips for enjoying your time with your dog here in the Moab area:

  • Bring lots of extra water for you and your dog.1 gallon per day for every 60lbs of dog!!
  • Don’t let dogs chase wildlife (especially coyotes, they can lead dogs into an ambush).
  • In the city, dogs are required to be leashed, but on public lands off leash with voice control is allowed.
  • Slickrock and sand is very abrasive!  Check paw pads often, or buy and use booties.
  • If it’s over 85 degrees only consider early AM or late PM hikes, daycare or leave your dog at home.
  • Pack out my poop!  Seriously or the other hikers without dogs will eventually demand no dogs allowed!

To see past articles about animals, pets and their care check our archives.

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